The Impact of Marketing Technology

Marketing Technology (MarTech) is any technology that enables marketers to be more efficient or effective in reaching their audiences. MarTech is mostly used in the sphere of digital marketing, and also for the optimisation of offline marketing channels. MarTech has grown significantly since it was first named as a standalone industry in 2011.

While this definition is broad and seemingly all-encompassing, so is the scope of the Marketing Technology Landscape. Any article written about marketing technology isn’t complete without acknowledgement to Scott Brinker, the leading authority on the subject. The 2018 edition of his Marketing Technology Landscape Supergraphic reached the mind-boggling number of 6,829 marketing technology solutions from 6,242 unique marketing technology vendors.

For many BBN partners, marketing technology is the connecting tissue of their agency. While departments focus on a specific discipline, there is a multitude of marketing technologies in play. An events team may be engaging with event registration technologies, booth scanners, and beacons; while a Contact Centre works with software to measure and optimise inbound and outbound calling. Others spend their days pushing the boundaries of marketing automation and customer relationship management platforms. In our industry right now, everyone is a marketing technologist at some level.

We’ve produced a guide, where we explore the impact and benefits of five different technologies that have had and are having, a significant impact on marketing outcomes and should be included in your MarTech stack.


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