Four themes for B2B marketing in 2021

Matthias Specht, CEO of BBN Germany, outlines four critical themes around B2B marketing that B2B marketers should have on their agendas in 2021.

Virtual events have come to stay.

Whether we like it or not, 2021 will be the year of virtual events. These will become an integral part of every B2B brand’s communication strategy. Those formats provide new access to information and turn the relationships between people and brands into a virtual experience. To what extent physical events will come back and when this will happen plays a subordinate role here. Virtual formats are here to stay.

Marketing will become a business driver.

Well done to all the marketers who had their digital lead management processes up and running in 2020 and could fill the sales pipeline even without trade shows. In 2021, the topic will finally experience the professionalisation it deserves: marketing will become a business driver. And not just in terms of new customers, but also in customer retention and cross-selling.

The renaissance of employer branding.

Home office, remote work, and virtual teams – how does this affect employer brands? How can I engage the team with the company’s purpose despite the lack of physical presence? How can I attract new colleagues to my virtual teams? How do work culture and working conditions change? And at the core of it all: How does all this transform the employer brand? Many questions around a topic that will see a higher relevance in 2021.

A brand, is a brand, is a brand – No it isn’t!

The transformation of corporate and product brands will pick up speed. The digitisation of all business areas has gained momentum through 2020. The transformation of business environments and classic models is a decisive factor—new digital opportunities present B2B brands with the challenge of creating a framework for these transformations. B2B brands must live up to their original purpose: Creating trust and orientation.

Let’s approach 2021 with confidence!


Thanks for the Photo by Jude Beck on Unsplash


Matthias Specht bbn web

About the author

Matthias is an expert in digital marketing and cross-media campaigns. During his 20-year career as a strategic advisor, he has worked with brands like SAP, E.ON, SAS, Henkel and Hermes Europe.

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