BBN publishes first Annual Report

We have just published our first annual report, and I am delighted to say initial feedback has been highly positive.

This past year saw growth across all key figures, reinforcing BBN’s position as the highest-ranked international marcomms agency in the world, according to B2B Marketing benchmarking reports. Total sales across the group increased by 12 per cent from the previous year, hitting a record USD 172 million. As expected, the gross income also increased by 11 per cent to USD 114 million.

While some growth can be attributed to the addition of three new partners in 2018 when this was accounted for, profitability across the group held its own, with EBITDA increasing by 11 per cent to be more than USD 7 million.

BBN is a highly diverse organisation employing over a thousand B2B specialists in 30 countries, serving 300 clients in 23 different B2B sectors.  But, these figures are only part of the BBN story. Our intention therefore in producing an annual report was to capture in one document for all our stakeholders, that which we believe sets us apart and differentiates us in this oh-so-rational, technology fixated B2B world.

Our unique entrepreneurial structure is fashioned to operate in a highly agile manner.  It is a model that provides critical insights and creates the element of ‘magic’ that speaks to target audiences’ minds and hearts; that resonates with them, that touches them both rationally and emotionally.

We also expanded our talent pool by adding 197 new full-time employees to the BBN fold, on the back of an increase of 242 in the year before. As always, these new additions have resulted in even more diversity in the agency, which now represents 30 countries and spans most of the world’s most significant B2B markets.

Forty-six different nationalities now comprise the BBN family, spanning 35 different languages, making us an extremely diverse group.

We are very proud to share with you our Annual Report for 2018-19


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