2021 Guide: 19 Types of Marketing Content You Need Now

Remember when U2’s Songs of Innocence album magically appeared in your iTunes library back in 2014? Many people were not pleased about an unwanted record showing up in their music library and had a lot of trouble getting rid of it again.

What in theory should’ve been a good marketing move (after all, everyone was getting something for free) ended up backfiring on both U2 and Apple.

But why?

Existing fans may have appreciated the free music, but not everyone listens to U2. New listeners who were unfamiliar with their music weren’t ready to commit yet. Rather than attracting new fans, indiscriminately putting an unwanted album into millions of user’s iTunes accounts provoked resentment and even feelings of violation.

Using the right type of marketing collateral with tailored messaging to new and existing fans could have saved them from the backlash. Perhaps, an email newsletter announcing the new album with an iTunes download link would have sufficed.

Before convincing someone to buy into your product or service, you must nurture them through the buyer’s journey with the right collateral for each stage. Pushing for a hard sell right off the bat will not work.

No matter how well-known your brand is, you will always have to approach different audiences with the appropriate marketing collateral. Targeting different audiences with the right marketing collateral will help you generate leads, promote new products and campaigns, entice new customers, re-engage existing ones, and make yourself more publicly known.

See the useful infographic below and read the full guide that details the most important types of marketing collateral you should include in your repertoire and explain how and when to use each type.

Need help with your content creation? Our expert content marketers can deliver content in almost every language, contact us now for a chat.


marketing collateral infographic 1


Thanks for the photo by HalGatewood.com on Unsplash

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About the author

A BBN Strategic partner, Foleon is a cloud-based creative platform that simplifies the production of next-level interactive web content, allowing anyone with content to create and publish media-rich sales and marketing assets that feel fluid like native apps, but are built in HTML5 and work in any modern web browser. Our content management platform is perfect for corporate brochures, product catalogs, interactive white papers, proposals and presentations, digital annual reports and customer magazines.

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