The recent new partnership sees BBN expand into 30 countries and 43 cities worldwide

BBN continues its global expansion with the appointment of its sixth new partner in the last eight months. Celeritas Solutions is an award-winning digital agency with offices in Karachi, Pakistan and New York City, USA.

Celeritas Solutions was established in 2010 and has 52 employees across multiple office locations. The agency partners with large enterprise clients from the life sciences, telecommunications, FMCG, and financial services industries to help achieve business outcomes through creative and innovative digital solutions. Its portfolio of services includes UI/UX design, mobile app development, interactive website and kiosk development, social media and content marketing, gamification, eLearning and ILT course development, and video production.

IH Photo Nov 2019


Imran Husain, Founder and CEO of Celeritas Solutions, maintains a hands-on role in the agency, which strengthens BBN’s entrepreneurial, principal-led approach.

Imran commented:

“We’re thrilled to join BBN and look forward to working closely with partner agencies around the globe, to support our clients with world-class solutions to their business problems.  We’re off to a running start collaborating daily with highly talented, creative, and client-service oriented agency professionals in the BBN family.  And we know that the benefit of the BBN partnership will be felt not just by our clients, but by our employees as well, in being able to share our expertise and experience, but also in learning from the BBN community.”



Clif Collier, Executive Chairman of BBN, commented:

It is with great pleasure that we welcome Celeritas Solutions to the BBN partnership. They exemplify the best in class agencies BBN consistently attracts from around the globe; entrepreneurial, internationally savvy and highly specialised in key areas that enhance and contribute to the BBN matrix service model. We are already witnessing seamless integration, with complimentary recognition of the cultures and values of both organisations.”

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