Creative for Facebook Campaign

TYPE: Social Media


Váhala, a leading Czech producer of meat and deli products, wanted to build and strenghten their brand and social media presence.


Váhala is traditionally a conservative brand, but they wanted to bring their brand closer to their target audience and make the content they shared more relevant to a younger audience.


Váhala, gave BBN Czech permission to run a campaign that would utilise less conservative content than they had previously done. To boost the client social media and brand presence, we decided to produce a series of creative and fun posts for Váhala's Facebook page that were unique, creative and entertaining. We knew that Vahala's audience came to their page for fun and entertainment and this is exactly what we gave them. For example at the beginning of the pandemic situation we posted a picture of a face mask made of bacon. The post went viral and the response was enormous. People were posting photos of their own self-made bacon face masks and even one of our current politicians, known for his strong social media presence, posted a picture on his Instagram page with a comment "Marketing of meat industry 10 out of 10."

We added 4-5 posts a week to the client's page and also provided readers with valuable information about the products.


With our new content, the average engagement of posts is around 10,000 users. The final KPIs were 602 shares and a reach of 71,590, within the campaign period.

The Facebook page now boasts over 35,000 followers


