The world’s b2b agency in Czech Republic

MARCO is a BBN marketing agency based in the Czech Republic, the heart of Europe.

They’ve been part of BBN since 2001 and have since become a formidable B2B marketing specialist.

MARCO bases its philosophy on creativity, strategic thinking and reliable account service. Their broad portfolio of services is composed to satisfy the full needs of their clientele. Their offering starts with strategic planning, brand support, creative services, content management all the way to digital marketing and Account Based Marketing.

MARCO creates and delivers fully integrated, multi-channel campaigns that generate new opportunities with potential audiences. By employing state-of-the-art marketing technologies, in particular, marketing automation, which are implemented with the help of technology partners, they can execute campaigns that bring measurable results.

MARCO has a flexible agency team with a balanced mix of experienced marketers and young go-getters, who provide support to global and local brands in the Central and Eastern European region.


Pavel Marek
Managing Director
Pavel brought the MARCO agency from the Czech Republic to the BBN international network. Travelling is a natural part of the business, and Pavel likes travelling. Not only in business; Pavel and his wife love to discover well-known as well as out-of-the-way locations in different parts of the world. As a former professional player of the fastest of collective sports, ice hockey, he brought the sense of collective game also into the professional life when leading the agency team.
Petr Marek
Executive Director
During more than 20 years of his professional carrier, he completed marketing projects for major Czech and international companies. At MARCO he is in charge mainly of branding and B2B brand strategy.
Michal Pullmann
Graphic designer/art director/typographer
Michal is a very talented graphic designer and typographer, who loves music. He is inspired by some of his favourite graphic artists, typographers and designers who include František Štorm, Ritxi Ostáriz, Aleš Najbrt, Libuše Niklová, David Černý, Jiří Pelcl, Jan Solpera, Ladislav Sutnar, Josef Týfa, Maxim Velčovský, Bořek Šípek, Oficina studio, Olgoj Chorchoj




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T: +420 777 797 388