We talked with our clients and other savvy global marketing experts to gather opinions and advice about the challenge of producing globally relevant creative. You’ve heard it before: Consistency is key in creating a strong brand.
Consistently marketed brands build relationships, trust and credibility across markets. Expressing your brand in relevant and creative ways — whether through words, imagery or colour — can be challenging as you expand your brand geographically. According to our panel of global B2B experts, there isn’t a playbook for how best to do this, and what works for one company might differ for another based on a variety of factors.
The Brand Is the Brand
Many B2B marketers favour approaches that keep the need for local adaptations and other changes to a minimum, especially regarding their branding.
“When it comes to the brand, we focus on global consistency over local adaption. We only adjust how we communicate about our brand if necessary or legally required. Otherwise, we stay true to the global brand,” said Klaus Sejr Madsen, international marketing director, Brüel & Kjær, HBK.
“Regarding brand treatment globally, the brand is the brand,” stated Sidders. “We don’t allow much flexibility, except in a few cases where local or regional influences are significant.”
Madsen’s and Sidders’ declarations reflect most opinions related to high-level expressions of corporate brands. But that doesn’t mean global companies want to be inflexible as they consider how to be relevant and compelling in different geographic regions. They go about it in different ways.